Monday, January 17, 2011

Mayan Calendar TZOLKIN 13 Day cycle of MEN

For a while i have been summarising the energies of the Mayan Calendar 13 day Tzolkin cycles for the Parallel Perception Forum which i will now also post on here at Coyopa ∞ Heart. You can look up all previous cycle information here.

The trecena of MEN - the eagle is a blue energy from the West. Blue energies of the west are quite transformative and purifying, an alchemical process after which you are no longer the same. The Blue energy is quite moderate & consistent, not forceful like red, otherworldy or mysterious like white, or relaxed and casual like yellow. The day of MEN - Eagle is known as a day in which true love arises, because it relates to soaring in the big picture with clear vision. I have included the summary from Birgitte at the MCPortal as well as the ceremonial days below by me. A reminder that you can read more information about each glyph and day energy here.

From Mayan Calendar Portal 

The Trecena of Vision
Men, the Eagle (Tz'ikin in K'iche' Maya), carries this next Trecena high into the heavens with his powerful wings. Come along for a 36,000-foot view of your life as you soar far above the routine, the day-to-day, the mundane.

Unfetter the shackles of entrenched belief, fear and uncertainty that hold you down, break down the walls of what others tell you, shed the old brittle skin and let your colors shine through with all their vibrant life. This is the time to ask for and receive good luck, fortune, and the resources you need to realize your dreams.

Modern society is built on control, power and influence—the media, the economy, the political system, organized religion, even the workplace and our own families can be confining, whether or not they intend to be. This is a time for you to explore who you really are: your higher self, your dreams and ambitions, your ultimate potential.

Careful, though, not to act too quickly or impulsively, for these soaring heights can be intoxicating. When you witness pure potential, when you feel the exhilaration of freedom, it’s like a drug. The air is purer, you can see farther, you can fly faster and stronger. But this trecena is about vision, perspective, and insight, not action. So take these thirteen days to clear your vision and your perspective, work through where you want your life’s path to take you, or where it is already taking you, and prepare to take action in due time.

Remember, flight at these heights takes experience, planning and skill. Remember Jonathan Livingston Seagull. So spread your wings, try them out, push them farther and higher than ever before, and fly.

~ Birgitte Rasine

Jan 16:    1    Men/Tz'ikin
Jan 17:    2    Cib/Ajmaq
Jan 18:    3    Caban/No'j
Jan 19:    4    Etznab/Tijax
Jan 20:    5    Cauac/Kawoq
Jan 21:    6    Ahau/Ajpu
Jan 22:    7    Imix/Imox
Jan 23:    8    Ik/Iq’
Jan 24:    9    Akbal/Aq’ab’al
Jan 25:    10    Kan/K’at
Jan 26:    11    Chicchan/Kan
Jan 27:    12    Cimi/Kame
Jan 28:    13    Manik'/Kej


Ceremonial Days by Phe:

The journey from MEN to MANIK is from vision and love to healing. This cycle's transformative nature can heal the shadows that arise from distortion of love in it's true form. With the foundation of MEN the path is laid out and shown to you. Love is also shown to you and any distortions or expectations that do not match can be released, resulting in healing. By "true love" the Maya mean higher love and this may take many forms. It may be the true love with service, with connection to the source, with the earth, with another, and ultimately the merging of this knowing of love on all these levels.
MANIK as a glyph is a hand symbolising the innate healing consciousness and ability of all human beings. MANIK is also the deer, master of the gentle power and a graceful force.

jan21 - 6 AHAU: 6 means to flow like water, like a dancer improvising constant embodiment of the music & AHAU is the divine light, the divine poet & artist. Flowing artistry.
jan22 - 7 IMIX: the alchemy of calming the mind and clearing mental distortions, or thoughts that connect with negative emotions. To increase intuition through a direct clear path to the primordial.
jan23 - 8 IK: Reflections as above so below of the natural force of life, the qi, the breath of life. A good day to heal the lungs or do breathwork, singing, toning, planting trees.
jan24 - 9 AKBAL: 9 is the highest vibration of light, the goldenwhite light of ultimate consciousness and AKBAL is the void. AKBAL is the pure blue light void, the night, the place that precedes all thought and realisation but in which wisdom and knowing arises. It is the void space primary to the spark of light. A very auspicious day for your home, for asking for a new dawn upon humanity, doing gazing practices, silent meditations, starting a dark retreat, awakening within your own dream.


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