Friday, January 14, 2011

Awakening & Nutrition of the mind and the body - Digesting a new reality

It is so important to eat a healthy diet and practice physical excercise if you want your heart and mind to awaken. Meditating or exploring other realms with your consciousness while not upgrading your diet can create imbalance and a split in mind & heart perception. It is also important to have some kind of physical practice to ensure that the body consciousness is not overlaid with stagnation and toxicity. The human body needs basic movement, stretching, and cardiovascular excercise in order to ground new and higher frequencies into the body consciousness. When someone is practicing a balance of meditation, optimum nutrition, and physical excercise their awareness will unfurl like a flower, and they will begin to look younger and feel a level of health & vitatility unbounded.

To be only practising with the mind, yet eating poor quality foods & allowing the body to become stagnant can cause a split between the heart's perceptive abilities and the mind consciousness. What the mind has witnessed, cannot fully integrate into the heart's body intelligence and the person will look even more toxic or old beyond their years, while the persona attaches to the identity they create. When energy & optimum nutrition is able to freely flow through a physically fit and flexible body the personality is also less inclined to attach to ideas of itself. Everything flows through easily, as a development of the mediumistic nature of one who is empty of internal dialogue and available for the waves of consciousness of all that is.

Food addiction lies at the core of internal dialogue and is often imprinted at very young ages. Food addiction is the concept of eating foods that are known to be unhealthy, processed, sugary etc because these foods have been associated with self-nurturing or self-sabotage for a long tme. One of the hardest things about switching to an organic high nutrition diet is that most people were not brought up with highly nutritious foods and have an internal dialogue that seeks to continually re-introduce those old foods, as related to emotional mood.

The physical manifestations of digestive needs shift quite a lot in everybody who walks a path of spiritual practices to expand their consciousness. It is taught in many paths that even if you just take up a short meditation each day, that you will go through stages of detox and require higher vibrational cleaner healthier foods. Some people do not get past the habituated food-thought addictions and so their progress is looped by not being able to digest a new reality. If we consider what the digestion is doing, as a manifestation of our energetic self, then it is assimilating & transforming nourishment into a new self. All the nutrients that are assimilated and transformed into new cellular components of the body also create and are created by new parts of the consciousness. As we transform our consciousness and assimilate that new frequency into our beingness, we are being nourished in new ways, by new frequencies. Or, we are becoming new ways and frequencies that require a compatible nourishment.

There is no end to our transformative potential as a species. Historical records tell us that evolution ploddles along for long periods then undergoes rapid bursts of evolutionary shift in a short time, and then ploddles along again for a while. There is so much information informing us that we and our planet are in the midst of an evolutionary burst now. I believe it is a healthy part of this process that humans displaying variations of our relational physiology and consciousness 
will occur. The species will adapt according to the revelations with the most gravity for our paths & planet. A lot of the same variations or remarkable human abilities have been demonstrated for a long time over history, and perhaps in the same amounts. However it appears at this time that there are many more evolutionary manifestations occurring. Just this perspective alone will create an adaptation in the species. Perhaps because we now have instant access to global information, communication and things such as multitides of superfoods from various continents, we will adapt physically and in consciousness to this new reality as the potential for self awareness is rapidly increased. Our assimilation and transformation of nourishment is being redefined, as so too will our digestive functioning.
Now that we can all see each other seeing each other, we are going to really see ourselves and then change because of that.
by Phe


  1. Very informative, and from my experience - true!

  2. Aloha rayne, thankyou. I hope to see more of your writings. love

  3. Take care of your mind and body by having proper nutrition. Support your health always. Take the necessary vitamins to fill in your nutritional gaps.
