Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mayan Calendar Update - 3rd day - 5th heaven - 9 AHAU

9th UNDERWORLD of Mayan Calendar- Day 3 of Universal Wave: May 20th to June 6th 2011.
The '3rd day' is also the '5th heaven' = Empowers (Sprouting).
"A period of light. The development of a root system and the second set of leaves that will be the permanent part of the plant. Lies are disclosed so that progress is not blocked. Things will be washed away to allow for new transformation." quoted section from Tree of life celebration

Brief Tzolkin update:

21 May is 9 AHAU - 9 being the highest vibration of the light & Ahau being the lord of light, and artistry of lightstalking reaching its target - like an arrow lands on target. Today is a strong day
9 AHAU is part of the trecena of 1EB - the sacred path which began on May 13. This trecena culminates on 13 Kan - which supports ascension to a new level of abundance, sensory perception & relaxing grace. Kan is also a day on which is powerful to disentangle from any net or web that binds you. By 26th May you may become free of something that was holding you back, or keeping you in a space that is no longer part of your new abundance, more fluid perception & inherent ability to remain gracefully relaxed. Signs of this development were experienced especially during days 6-9 of this 13 day cycle (May 18 -21). On May 18, the energy 6 Caban allowed a new fluid movement of intelligence and reception from source. May 19, the energy of 7 Etznab allowed the ending of a cycle or activity that frees up your time for new abundance activities. May 20, the energy of 8 Cauac is the rainstorm that washes away old energies, emotions and brings fertile rains to these new seeds and sprouting process..... and May 21 9 Ahau  we have looked at in the first sentence of this brief tzolkin update.

On 26th may the Trecena of 1 CHICCHAN begins - the journey of ascension will then really focus on  your spine & chakras, sexual energy & core channels of light - kundalini. Imagine what kind of fluid electromagnetic flow is ultimately possible in your spine & energy body when you are relaxed, abundant and not caught in any webs that bind you...
enjoy the ride, thing are really moving now.


Mayan glyph for moon.