Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Levity, Light & Blossoming

 Kakadu Lotus image by Dan Schreiber

When the flower responds to the light and begins to open it's petals, it only makes effort involving its own internal energy at the beginning. Once the petals have opened to the light a certain amount, gravity takes over and the petals then fall restingly open.
When i first learnt this, it was about Lotus. My heart relaxed into this information, like a pressure lifted off. Even though i wasn't fatigued at the time, the pressure was an illusion about effort & fatigue, that was hiding somewhere in my body. It was interferring with Levity & Bouyancy. 
The result is lightness & giggles.

 Red Lily image by Phe Gitsham



  1. Light Child of Existential Joyous BouyancyMay 29, 2011 at 11:56 PM

    Wow! That's awesome! How long did you study to come up with that?

  2. Aloha Light Child,

    I didn't study to come up with this, i had a conversation with a lotus master & a direct experience. :) lovelovelove

  3. resonance and harmonic response by living beings to light is our true nature. plants are specifically adapted to this energy exchange and it is an exchange... the flowers are returning the involved or enchanted sunlight energy in the form of shape, colour and fragrance... an offering to the light. our experience of the floral beauty through our eyes and nostrils enables our body system to absorb this radiant emanation and reciprocate for our perception of beauty is not just passive, its active form will leave our eyes and and will hence be in a bioavailable form for the plant to use in its own nourishment. there is no loss of energy from either being as it is issuing from a centre of infinite energy and moves superconductively [infinitely fast across space/time]. this transmission of energy enables both beings to rise in frequency and energy. this is what we call love. it is best learned by direct transmission from communion with the natural world and its inhabitants. The organ in the body that is the center of all this bio-energy communication is the heart.

  4. Light child - the post by 'anonymous' is written by the lotus master in reply to you :)

  5. beautiful post Phe, thank u for the gift of such peace from the understanding :)
