Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pressuring the World for Validation

Below is a part-quote from Lujan Matus' blog  article "Don't Talk, Don't Validate" and then a quote from Richard in a Parallel Perception Forum thread, "some questions about the mirror technique".
I want to share these as inspirational posts because the transformation enacted upon a life from practising the validation wisdoms alone is enormous, as it reaches the extremities of being liberated from the holographic reflections of one's ideas about oneself. The dream bubble encapsulating what we manifest bursts into direct experience of infinite possibilities.

 This validation wisdom also flips over and under, to a form it can take that leads to it's opposite. Moments of pressuring the world to conform to what one thinks of oneself can be understood in terms of positive and negative beliefs, and conscious and unconscious beliefs we carry through identity. A corollary of seeking validation for confidence & ego boosting, is pressuring the world unconsciously to create feedback to prove one's worst fears about oneself. Letting go of the need for validation upon what we wish to be praised for, also liberates the same energy that is being used in applying unconscious pressure to the world that manifests repeated painful experiences. In this case one may be consciously experiencing a positive attitude, yet the energy source is still hooked up to seek validation and what is hidden unconsciously, deficient in self-love, is what is being validated in manifestation.

Lujan wrote:
"Be careful with the first and foremost present moment that cannot be controlled but witnessed while it escapes the warrior.  When one comes to terms with this factor then the warrior will realize that the only validation that avails itself energetically is that the change is evident and ever-present.

These subtle fluctuations lead the initiate in humble gratitude, knowing that their only input can be what presents itself within the body consciousness, upon the reflection of the circumstance that pressures this body. When one speaks and sees these pressures, one's death becomes the permanent adviser, leading our humanity to realize the preciousness of that moment.

The reason we have fallen from these realizations is that most of humanity, warriors included, seek and search for validation and this validation has to do with what they think of themselves, in turn pressuring the circumstance to conform to that validation.

Don't think about this. Don't validate yourself. Act in accordance with the selfless need to be of service. And when you find yourself in the position of this loving servitude, the world unfolds itself and reveals the magic that you may have missed as a warrior on your path to discovering more."


Richard wrote:
"A whole book could be written on the programmed social actions revolving around self-validation. It can be difficult to cut this down to it's essence, but principally said, we are socially programmed through acceptance and rejection. When we find our integral center in our heart we become saturated by a sense of acceptance under no prerequisites. Everyone longs for this feeling, but we are trained that acceptance is something to be received by others and this is how we measure our actions in a socially defined mental programming. By that we give away the feeling of pure acceptance and subsequently lose the integrity of our center, lose our power."

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