Friday, December 24, 2010

Emptiness, Seeing and Controlled Folly

Controlled folly can also be called Wei Wu Wei or Emptiness. Wei Wu Wei is Doing Not Doing; being perfectly empty, you are not doing anything, so that the doing of infinity is coming through you. When we recognise that we are a oneness, and we contain everything and we are nowhere now*here, we can practice emptiness. This is controlled folly. When you are empty, your internal dialogue is quiet, your attention is merely observing, seeing & hearing & knowing the streams of information that are in your environment. The personal ego internal dialogue does not take over you or take you on a ride of emotional stress to fulfill an agenda. You have no agenda. The streams of information that are in your environment can be of immediate /remote, physical / non physical content. You are a conduit, a medium of the moment. You experience the people, animals, places, frequency shifts from cosmic sources etc you are a medium of where your attention goes. You are also a medium of beyond your attention as you merge your attention with the conduit nature, in service to what is being presented now*here. You are nowhere because your awareness is not limited to time-space location, immediate and remote information streams according to frequency resonance.
If everything is a reflection & a kind of folly, while we live here on this planet in a human body, how do we interact with this place and this form of being? How do we socialise? How do we be? The concept of karma explains how each thought & action sews the seed for what we will be reflected with. The path of practising controlled folly consistenly reveals the self to the self. It reveals all the distortions we have made an agreement with at some point that become internal noise where there could be emptiness & silence. So we look within, and release the imprints that are those agreements through which we can become distorted. We are pressured to make these agreements from family, social & societal concepts of "how to be" and "how to survive & be successful" in this place as it currently is. Language is filled with distortions so we become increasingly eloquent and specific in what & how we express everything. This is the heart's voice. It is direct, clear, unpredictable and contains tranmissions of information even beyond what is being articulated.

When a being is empty, their presence of seeing without distortion or personal involvement will be a revealing catalyst for others. Controlled Folly sees without the seer inserting themself, so the seeing does not compromise, does not distort, does not judge and also does not protect anyone from the revealings. Seeing does not protect denials. In these circumstances one can see themselves in the presence of one who is seeing them.
I usually witness two main responses to this seeing of self via one who is empty. One is to look within, and go directly to the imprint & the denial to love and heal it, there by removing its compromising distortion from your life. This may consist of asking for help & asking for reflection of what is being seen by one who sees.
The other response is to feel judged and attacked by the one who sees and to counter attack, projecting the imprint onto the one who is seeing it, rejecting the opportunity to deal with it in that moment. The sense of feeling judged is actually coming from within. We create denial inside ourselves through judging ourself & the fear of another judging the same way is what is being expressed. Not only is the healing opportunity missed, but the imprint is reinforced with further emotional shielding and content.
When a seer is an empty conduit they will be experiencing others feelings or pressures and there is a delicate path of learning unfolding to meet their feet to be able to recognise what they are sensing and where it is coming from & how to be of service to this. There is no formula or consistent strategy. There is only love, truth, presence and fluidity of adaptable response in constant service to the moment at hand.


Controlled Folly is a post by Phe at Parallel Perception Shamanism Forum

Friday, December 17, 2010

Third Eye and Wikileaks

set in the unveiling era...
Julian Assange: Wikileaks avatar and archetypal cyber rebel with a public personality of ethical stealth and mysterious history. Sounds like breakfast sci-fi, lunch political intrigue and tea news galore for the media who are responding like seagulls squawking for hot chips. The whole range of options is being reported from Assange the neo robin hood of democratic transparency; to Assangination calls to lock him up or just kill him; to Assange the MK Ultra programmed puppet of conspiracy, the deliverer of disclosure all as a pre-arranged government pantomime so they can enact more orweillian laws. 

Third Eye: Chakra on the brow, the pineal gland or inner eye. When functioning at optimum, the third eye sees only the truth, it's the great revealer, the remover of the veils, and penetrates transparency to see the primary energy & intent behind all things. When a person is confronted with a truth that their third eye is suppressed on seeing, we call it denial. Typically people tend to respond with the same range of responses to confrontation of denial as is happening now on the macro level with Julian Assange.

So without having to know who is dealing who yet, and how this will all turn out, it's a sign of the times for humanity and our third eyes. To have this drama playing out on the big screen, in the external reflection will potentiate everyone's ability to move through the more limiting options in response to having a denial confronted and hopefully onwards to a more relieved response of genuine liberations.

And the truth shall set you free...

The choice is to respond with projecting hunting down and destroying the source of truth which you may wish to remain in denial about; or to look within and become more free experiencing gratitude for the messenger of this revealing. This may be challenging and even require asking for help in dealing with the fallout, yet most rewarding and liberating in the long run.
Im so grateful that enough people on this planet have done enough inner work and development of their own willingness to be really honest with themselves that we have collectively manifested Julian Assange as an avatar of the third eye maturation process.

No matter how many creepy laws are enacted because of the story so far, there are still more sequels in this human evolution story to come, because less energy can be veiled, as a natural development from this point on. As with any individual confronting denial, we now enter the challenge period as a collective, and looking within to truly enhance your own honesty with yourself can be highly potentiated now. Undo at least one lie you regularly tell yourself today and tell this story no more. It will be for the best, because that lie does not only live inside your private thoughts, it ricochets out into the collective community experience.

Awakening the Third Eye

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Part 6 Coyopa, Sexual Energy, Heart and Inner Child


(Part 6 of an excerpt from The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception by Lujan Matus. This excerpt includes portions from the chapter titled "Sexual Attention" and is part of a large body of practices from Maya-Toltec Nagualism / Lucid Dreaming as a path to enlightenment.

So, the first insidious element that we have confronted, whether you've realized it or not, is gossip. No matter how innocent the sharing of information is, it invariably comes under the banner of gossip, which will break the energetic, integral boundary that is put in place. This integral boundary is the most powerful seal that we can apply to ourselves as human beings, because the sexual centre is where all energy emanates. When we mix these energies from one to the other we become composed of each other on an energetic level and when this is locked in place both partners will look out on the world with less of themselves, and this reduction comes about from holding the integral boundary in place by not sharing it. What occurs that makes one less, is the reduction of thought, through confidently, energetically living the proposition of the heart, which is courageous and is expressed through acting in the world without pettiness. So what could we achieve if we applied an integral boundary to everything? True professionalism.

Q. How does comfort bring observational acuity?
A: Because one is not occupied with anything else other than the comfort and within this atmosphere abundance of relaxed happiness will deliver the truth.

Q. How can I be transparent and keep an integral perimeter?
A: In one's life, transparency and accountability on an energetic level are really the only saving graces we have. I personally think that transparency in itself is widely misunderstood these days. In the first five to ten minutes of meeting somebody they expect to know everything about you. This is wrong and everybody's boundaries have been warped extensively because of this. If somebody enters your life the inner chambers should never be given over recklessly, not even to a long-term associate. Your privacy is literally yours and it is nobody's business what you do or don't do, as long as you're not hurting anybody. So really when confronted with an enquiry like this and a society which would be described in these terms, I would say, "You have to earn my respect and my trust before I invite you into the private elements of my life in the most intimate way". A powerful man or woman will set extremely strong boundaries that encase their world and their power. 

by Lujan Matus 


Part 5 Coyopa, Sexual Energy, Heart and Inner Child


(Part 5 of an excerpt from The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception by Lujan Matus. This excerpt includes portions from the chapter titled "Sexual Attention" and is part of a large body of practices from Maya-Toltec Nagualism / Lucid Dreaming as a path to enlightenment.

To be successful with ones sexual energy a most important principle must be adhered to. The principle can be seen as a boundary and within the centre of this boundary we sit and observe the world. This boundary must be composed of kindness, understanding and a discipline that becomes the perimeter of ones heart. If this perimeter is held in place then the heart is kept within the fortress of that discipline and this is our bastion, which most of us have lost through common activity that is deemed normal. An integral perimeter can be assembled very simply. In the initial stages it may seem difficult but that difficulty is just in dropping old habits that routinely limit the potential for change. So let's get down to the practical application.
Within our household we have husband and wife, or boyfriend and girlfriend [partners]. If you could imagine drawing a circle around you and your partner, know that there are elements that cannot be invited into that circle, for if they do enter they will break the perimeter from within. It is of utmost importance to understand that the topics that follow must be examined extensively within the initial stages of sealing that perimeter. Firstly it would be good if every activity that is enacted within the household between husband and wife [partners] is kept exactly there: between husband and wife. If you were to have spent a relaxing afternoon, read, had an enjoyable activity together, made love and cooked a nourishing meal, this should not be shared with anybody. "Why not?" you may ask.
Would you take the elements of lovemaking, which is the most intimate act, and discuss it outside of the boundaries of the bedroom? I think not. The act within itself is sacred and if this sacredness is shared it is open to scrutiny, and certainly we don't want the most private part of ourselves to be open to scrutiny. So now we close the bedroom door and the act itself stays within its private boundary and locked within that room love is expressed, given and taken freely and openly. By simply closing the door we realize how precious this is because we all want and need this sacred union, which is the sharing of our intertwined hearts that lustfully reach out and touch and respond to the same love that beckons.
Would you speak of this to your neighbour or your friend? I expect not. If you draw attention to that which everybody desires, then the boundary that lies within that room has been broken, for letting another mind enter a place of union invariably brings interference, which must be avoided at all costs. I'm sure that you at more than one time in your life have experienced the ecstasy that goes with physical union and the comfort that comes from that. This comfort brings observational acuity. Our eyes touch the world with the spirit of that union. This is the first boundary that we build around a relationship. When this boundary is kept in place love and caring will emanate.

Continue to Part 6 (final part). 

By Lujan Matus

Part 4 Coyopa, Sexual Energy, Heart and Inner Child

(Part 4 of an excerpt from The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception by Lujan Matus. This excerpt includes portions from the chapter titled "Sexual Attention" and is part of a large body of practices from Maya-Toltec Nagualism / Lucid Dreaming as a path to enlightenment.

Dyani described actions and consequences in terms of her womanhood at one stage in the dreaming realm. The subject she spoke about was monogamy and this is the story she told.
"If I was a young woman travelling the world, leaving behind me a loving family and free of any relationships whatsoever, when I arrive in new circumstances and a young man approaches me, what is my responsibility to myself? If he were to ask me to engage in a relationship, I would automatically access my inner truth, which would advise me. I would then ask him - "Are you engaged on any level with anybody else?" - And if he would answer truthfully "no", then free expression outlines the circumstance. But if he is not free then I should stand within my inner truth and respectfully decline. Even though I do not know the woman that he is involved with, she is my sister, and the moment I honor her, I honor myself. This honoring delivers power to my inner child and gives strength to the source of my power, which is my sexual centre. If I were to dishonour this woman, who is my sister, then I would dishonour my own inner child, bringing upon myself a cloak of impedance, which is accumulative in its effect and will feed from my sexual centre through preoccupation and waste that precious life force that sustains me".

Dyani's story shows that she is strongly opposed to any form of betrayal and illustrates the significance of a monogamous stance in terms of keeping the inner child in balance. One point that should be brought to the forefront is that when a man or woman without integrity approaches, the force of their behaviour is knowingly masked. This weighs heavily on their inner child, which in turn mutes their womanhood or manhood. As a result, a subtle inflection can be perceived that is there to show their sexual availability, unfortunately without restraint in most cases. It is a cold hard fact that when we begin to cultivate our sexual centre with purposeful practice, we either perpetuate immoral behaviour and justify that behaviour, which will invariably ruin our lives and the lives of other people within our environment or, we take that immature inner child and instead of enacting on the world we catch that enactment and examine what is being projected, which will bring a cathartic upheaval and dispel justification. This is the sole purpose of energetically enhancing ones sexual self.

Q. How does the cloak feed from the sexual centre?
A: The sexual centre and the inner child are connected by feeling. In the beginning of one's practice the initial feeling that one builds is more primitive than that of someone who has been absorbed in integral acts through correct practice for a sustained period. Correct practice will take away the insoluble agitation that the cloak supplies as a dysfunctional emotional underpinning. When one first begins to practice and activate ones sexual attention the initial catalyst that confronts the initiate is composed of old habits. If these old habits lead the heart to feel imbalanced then it drains the inner child. We all know that the heart is the inner child and that any sexual contact awakens our need to be nurtured - this is how the inner child is connected to our sexual centre.
Q. Why does imbalance manifest as sexual availability?
A: Our primary motive as human beings is to perpetuate the species and unfortunately those who are sexually available, and are imbalanced in the area of their sexual centre, display quite overtly to attract like a moth to the flame unconscious individuals to exercise that attention - whether it be drama filled or not.

Continue to Part 5

by Lujan Matus

Part 3 Coyopa, Sexual Energy, Heart and Inner Child

(Part 3 of an excerpt from The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception by Lujan Matus. This excerpt includes portions from the chapter titled "Sexual Attention" and is part of a large body of practices from Maya-Toltec Nagualism / Lucid Dreaming as a path to enlightenment.

I guess the first question to ask is: What are the mechanics that surround responsibility and the ramifications that inner truth will apply to our circumstances? Within ourselves we have to ask: "Am I balanced?" and if not, "What can be done about this?"
I suspect that most people would look to texts for information that will bring them to a state of fulfillment and, if the text is good enough, boundaries should or can be delineated: healthy boundaries. Within these parameters inner truth will become abundant and within that abundance one would arrive at a state of buoyancy that purely defines the power of that individual so that responsible decisions can be made based on the simple mechanics of foresight. This foresight should deliver to you that parameter which outlines the inner child, and ultimately that inner child will be fed by the sexual centre, which in turn will add to the buoyant witness' balanced comprehension the joy and silence that surrounds that inner child, and will draw all the circumstances into the regime of real time. Real time is dealing with present circumstances in the light of progression, which moves on from that position and yields the truth of only present realizations. To be in real time is not to be anchored in the gravity that surrounds past issues that have not reached a state of definition, which defines the truth that lies behind unconscious actions, which become the mechanisms of entrapment and denial. These mechanisms will be perpetuated through usage and this occurs solely for the purpose of making us as individuals wake up to the fact that we have baggage.

Q. How is foresight applied in a daily sense?
A: Firstly we must take everything that we have in our environment and see it for what it is, and define how that structure may have to be kept in place: working, shopping etc. and all the daily routines that make life the way it is. If one does not have a prescribed plan one will sit in complacency, so get yourself a diary and write down what needs to be done and fulfill your obligations so that you are complete within your integrity. I think we all know that if we are questioned about what we have not completed, it weakens us and weaknesses are always more obvious and more accessible for usage than strength is. Foresight is encompassed within the completion of what you know needs to be done and this is to take responsibility, which becomes an integral perimeter of power that cannot be interfered with by the petty minded. 

Continue to read Part 4

by Lujan Matus

Part 2 Coyopa, Sexual Energy, Heart and Inner Child

(Part 2 of an excerpt from "The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception" by Lujan Matus. This excerpt includes portions from the chapter titled "Sexual Attention" and is part of a large body of practices from Maya-Toltec Nagualism / Lucid Dreaming as a path to enlightenment.

Q. How is the inner child sustained by the sexual centre?
A: Our inner child and the awareness of the inner child are stationed within the centre of our heart. The sexual centre upholds the clarity of the inner child through abundance of energy. If the clarity of the inner child is not upheld through integral acts then the inner child will fall and so will the sexual centre.

Q. How does the sexual centre propel us into our future?
A: If our basic energy is waylaid by immoral acts we will be absorbed within drama. Such drama continually loops back on itself and relies on the past for its propulsion. If the sexual centre is clear and no ulterior motives are connected to it then the future will be clear and the energy that exudes from our sexual centre because of that clarity will bring power to our inner advisor, which in essence knows what's right and wrong and can see beyond our present circumstances.

Q. Can you elaborate on this first sphere of practicality?
A: Do what has to be done, nothing more and nothing less. Don't add any part of yourself that is inappropriate nor promote inappropriate behaviour from anybody else. Sit silently within yourself and command that silence through purposeful attention. Do not let your mind take over what is your true heritage, which is to know without question, what is right and what is wrong.

Continue to read Part 3
by Lujan Matus

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Coyopa Inner Child

Coyopa also translates to "lightning in the blood" and "the dew of heaven". The heart is the natural conduit and receiver for lightning in the blood.  

Part 1 Coyopa, Sexual Energy, Heart and Inner Child

What is the relationship between sexual energy, the heart and the inner child? Here is part 1 of an excerpt from " The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception " by Lujan Matus. There is a powerful fundamental energy that we manifest from which is the pure creative power of sexual energy. With this energy we can create another human being. This same energy is being applied through all of our intentions and is coloured by all of our social interactions which ultimately creates and attracts our experiences. To be ultimately responsible for creation without shadow agenda or denial sets the heart and inner child free which opens the being to the illuminated conduit nature of coyopa.

(excerpt from "The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception" by Lujan Matus. This excerpt includes portions from the chapter titled "Sexual Attention" and is part of a large body of practices from Maya-Toltec Nagualism / Lucid Dreaming as a path to enlightenment.)

[pp. 177-183]
While in the Dream Maker's realm, Zakai once said to me, "Are you still? Are you completely here? Is your mind empty? Can you see me in front of you? Am I solid?"
I said, "Yes".
"Do you know me?"
I said, "No. But I know myself".

"By knowing yourself, you know me," he said smiling. "I have been absorbed within the void for many years. What I have learnt from this prolonged absorption is that I am here yet I am not here."
"Where can I find within myself, where you are?"
"Within your breath you will find me within you. Even though I do not breathe, I breathe within your breath. This is how we are all connected to that insoluble void that you have in front of you. The lungs function without thought. It is a mindless act. It is without mind. So when you think you have forgotten me, simply breathe and I will be there." As he said this he reached out and clasped my forearm. "We must forget in order to remember".

Zakai often did these strange and magical things while we sat in front of that awesome emptiness that was the void. It is my wish to convey with as much clarity as possible what transpired. Within the next two chapters, if you find yourself confronted, remember, return to your breath, free of thought. Return to the void so that you may release the socialized imprints that you are defending and revisit that which has been forgotten.

The subjects within Sexual Attention outline the lessons that I learnt from my wards on how to be cognizant of what is truly beautiful and how to bring forth pure expression and openly challenge that which is presented within our living construct. Over the years I have found numerous old souls who I have proceeded to instruct with the lessons passed on in the Dream Maker's realm. As a consequence there are questions that were asked by these dear friends that I have included in the next two chapters.

Before any actual sexual techniques are given, one must understand that the art of sexual attention goes way beyond the act itself. We must consider that our buoyant inner child is sustained by our sexual centre, so consequently if one was to act irresponsibly we would set in motion automatic impedance, which is shown in the shadow's dream heiroglyph as the cloaked inner child. Our sexual centre will sustain and support our designs, whether in the light of transparency or self-serving preoccupation. If we are not transparent and do not take responsibility for our actions in reference to our sexual activity, the flow on effect not only can be but will be catastrophic on a personal level. As with everything, whatever is done accumulates and that accumulation is processed by the inner child and within that process is delineated appropriately whether our actions are composed of denial or truth. The primary function of our sexual centre is to propel us into our future. If we are not clear the road will be more difficult than is necessary. Our sexual centre is a resource that if mismanaged will falter at the times we need it the most, and the most exaggerated spectrum of this faltering is either in old age or great illness. The process of life is simplicity itself. Simplicity brings us into our first sphere of attention. This first sphere of attention should be composed of practicality and within this practicality observational acuity should arise. I hope that this book will bring you into that acuity itself so that you may bear silent witness to your inner child regardless of its present state.

Continue to read part 2 Coyopa, Sexual Energy, Heart & Inner Child
by Lujan Matus,  " The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception "


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Coyopa In the Heart

The rumbling outside is not so loud, as if its far away, but inside, inside my bones, the rumbling is louder and vibrating gently. Micro paths form through intracellular spaces of my marrow, reorganised by the rumble, like flowers bending back from the path, ever so subtly as you pass that you might not notice. Wait for it... Eyes closed wait... a breath in and out... eyelids flickering sensing the build up of electromagnetic excitement, a sonic crescendo in the silence peaks and a blinding flash strikes inside the eyelids infusing retina, striking pineal, rushing through the blood, down the arms between the parting flowers and up the spine, magnetizing legs to earth and earth to feet, flowers wide awake, eyes wide open, the fullness of brightness enlightening the heart. A halo of butterfly wings ricochets out full body length in the aura, white, gold, blue, violet. Lightning striking.
The body lightning is the Coyopa, the lightning in the blood, electromagnetic awareness being enlightened, flashing between the parting flowers directly informing the body, through the pineal gland, third eye, heart & womb. Eyes open this time as the build-up begins, with another wave of thunder, rumbling and reorganising, the self adapting and changing for another crescendo flash of lightning. Coyopa rushes through us, the earth and me, to its heart, to the inner centre of power that dwells in the heart and back to my heart in resonance, we are the same.
This storm has been magnetising, falling, raining, rumbling and en-lightning for eons, through so many bodies, before and after the sunrises from the first dawns, illuminating and indwelling as power in the heart, yet... the storm has only just begun.

More coyopa can be found at Lujan Matus Parallel Perception 
This website contains many articles about nagualism and heart awareness. Lujan Matus offers courses in nagualism, shamanic movement forms, shamanic healing and development of third eye perception. He has written two books The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception  and Awakening the Third Eye.
There is also a forum on this site where several naguals participate and many interesting discussions can be found on paths to awakening, lucid dreaming, nutrition, expanded awareness and love love love.